Don’t put off fixing a plumbing leak no matter how small. Call the plumbing leak pros at Billy the Sunshine Plumber for help.
With autumn just around the corner, you’re getting ready for the upcoming winter season with its school days, sports events and holiday entertainment. You went to the Back to School Bash on Saturday at Veterans Memorial Park and you’re getting ready for this weekend’s tax-free shopping holiday (Aug. 2-6). If your time goes as usual, after you get the kids ready to go back to school, you’ll turn your attention to your house to make sure it’ll be ready for the fall and winter.
But you’re wondering if you ought to move your home repairs up a bit. That’s because you think you have a plumbing leak somewhere. You don’t think it’s big because you haven’t seen any puddles or heard any dripping, but you’ve noticed your water bill is higher than normal, even accounting for increased water use during the blazing hot summer.
Don’t do that. Don’t put off having a water leak fixed. No matter how small you think it might be.
“According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a slow leak can cost a family upwards of $200 a year while wasting hundreds of gallons of water,” according to “In addition to the extra money spent on utility bills, the water will damage practically everything that it touches. Luckily, most minor leaks can be fixed with a quick patch when they are caught early on.”
If you think you have a plumbing leak but you’re not sure where, it’s time to call the leak detection and leak repair technicians at Billy the Sunshine Plumber. Billy Sunshine has been the trusted, go-to plumber in Tampa Bay since he opened in 1924. Billy is available to help you 24/7/365 – nights, weekends, holidays, whenever – in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here for you.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber | Plumbing Leak | Leak Detection | Leak Repair | I Need a Plumber
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