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Ceiling Leak | Billy the Sunshine Plumber

Billy the Sunshine Plumber | Leak Detection | Leak

If you have water leaking from your ceiling – especially if it’s coming from a light fixture – you need to immediately call Billy the Sunshine Plumber for help.

All was well until you got home from Gasparilla yesterday. That’s when you found the puddle in the middle of your first floor bathroom. Water was dripping from the light fixture. 

“Ceiling water leakage is a minor disaster that portends a major disaster that can ruin flooring, walls, appliances, and furniture,” says. “The silver lining is that water leaking through the ceiling light fixture is your early warning system.”

That’s right, you caught the problem before your ceiling collapsed. says, “Water that leaks through and around ceiling light fixtures fall into two broad categories: plumbing leaks or natural water leaks from rain.”

Yesterday was clear with no rain, so it’s most likely that your problem comes from a plumbing leak of some sort. Those leaks could come from pipes that have leaks or that have failed, faulty connections between pipes, or ill-fitting shower or sink drain assemblies. 

Your best bet is to contain the damage – put down a plastic sheet to keep water off your floor. If you don’t have a plastic sheet, get a bucket or something else to contain the water. DO NOT turn on the light switch – DO shut off the circuit breaker to that room. Shut off the water main if you know where it is. Call a Tampa Bay plumbing pro like the trusted Tampa Bay plumbing specialists at Billy the Sunshine Plumber. 

Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the Tampa Bay plumber of choice since 1924 when he first opened for business. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is open 24/7/365 in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Days, nights, weekends, or holidays, Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here for you. 

Billy the Sunshine Plumber | Leak Detection | Leak | Ceiling Leak | Leak Repair

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