When your toilet is clogged and you can’t fix it yourself, it’s time to call an expert in toilet clogs like the toilet experts at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.
It seemed like a good idea when you first had it – rather than take the kids trick or treating or to a treat trail or some other Halloween event, have a party. Yep. Invite all your child’s friend for a costume party. It’ll be fun.
That was before your toilet clogged and backed up. Now you’re dealing with a smelly puddle on the bathroom floor and 15 kids and their parents will soon be knocking at your door.
There are several reasons your toilet could be clogged. According to the spruce.com, five of those reasons are the fact that you have a first-generation, low-flow toilet; someone tried to flush non-flushable items; the toilet trap is blocked; the plumbing vent; or there are main sewer line problems. Of course, some of those causes you can likely fix yourself. Others, like a blocked plumbing vent or a problem in the sewer line, will take a professional.
If you can’t fix the clog by yourself or if it’s one of the problems that require a professional, it’s time to call the toilet experts at Billy the Sunshine Plumber. Billy Sunshine as he’s known has been in business since 1924. Billy is available for you 24/7/365 in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. When you need him, Billy’s there for you.
Toilets | Toilet Clog | Clogged Toilet | Billy the Sunshine Plumber
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