When your water heater won’t warm things up, it’s time to call the water heater experts at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.
You know how it is, you spend a morning doing a good deed by helping neighbors during CareFest St. Petersburg. Then, you come home all dirty and tired and looking forward to a hot shower or hot bath. But instead of a relaxing soak, you find you have no hot water. The water’s so chilly it feels as if it came from melted ice cubes.
Sounds like you have a problem with your hot water heater.
If you have an electric hot water heater, one, or more, of several things might have gone wrong, Amerifirst mortgage company says: “When there’s no hot water, the problem can stem from lack of power, a faulty electric thermostat or a faulty upper electric heating element.”
If you have a power problem from a blown fuse, it’s fairly easy to replace. But, if you have a faulty thermostat or heating element, it’s time to call a water heater expert like those at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber, or Billy Sunshine, has been the trusted and reliable Tampa Bay plumber since 1924. That’s right, Billy’s been in business for almost 100 years. Billy’s the go-to plumber for Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Billy’s here for you 24/7/365. Plumbing problems don’t take a break and neither do we.
Water Heater | Cold Water | Water Won’t Get Hot | Billy the Sunshine Plumber | Billy Sunshine
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