When you have a clog or other plumbing problem you can’t fix on your own, call Billy the Sunshine Plumber. Billy Sunshine is always here for you.
After several weeks of being “safer at home,” you discovered certain things. The first was that you missed your daily swim at the Long Center.
The second was that plumbing, which appears to be tough, is actually kind of, well, delicate. That’s especially true of toilets, which react badly to having anything other than toilet paper flushed down them. They even get sick and clogged if you use them to get rid of wipes and other things that are labeled “flushable.”
And it’s not just you who has discovered this. The problem is so widespread that utilities from across the country have issued warnings and reminders to their customers about what not to flush.
One of the latest reminders comes from the Fairmount Water Works in Philadelphia: “Wipes sold as ‘flushable’ often don’t have the science to back it up. That means you’re taking a big gamble with your plumbing and our infrastructure every time you put a wipe in the toilet. Never flush anything but the three P’s – poo, pee, and toilet paper!”
Of course, it’s hard to police other people in your household. And, when there’s a shortage of toilet paper, it’s hard to keep this in mind. And, sometimes clogs just seem to happen.
Most of the time, you can get rid of a toilet clog with a plunger. But sometime it’s more difficult – especially if the clog is farther down in the system. At such times, you need a plumber you can trust. You can find a reliable plumber by giving Billy the Sunshine Plumber a call.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the plumber of choice in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties for almost a century – since Billy the Sunshine Plumber opened in 1924. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here to help you – nights, weekends, holidays, and during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber | Clog | Toilets | Slow Drain | Blocked Drain
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