There are many things you should not flush down the toilet or drain. If you do and your pipes get clogged, call Billy the Sunshine Plumber for help.
When you were headed out for a bit of bicycling on the Suncoast Trail this morning, you passed some county public works employees pulling a manhole cover off a drain in the street. You briefly wondered what was wrong, then forgot about it. When you returned home several hours later they were gone.
They could have been doing many things. Among those is cleaning the sewer line to help with drainage. That’s especially important during hurricane season when you want to get the rain water moved away as fast as possible to help prevent flooding. The sewer cleaning, if that’s what it was, could have been routine or the workers could have been responding to a clog.
Yes, city and county sewer systems clog. In fact, some of the clogs are so big – like a recent one in England – that they’ve earned the name “fatberg.” When a fatberg forms, it tends to be made up of the same stuff that gums up the plumbing in your home.
“The dirty secrets of a huge fatberg discovered lurking under the seafront of a Devon town have been laid bare after scientists carried out an ‘autopsy’ of the monster,” according to a story in the Guardian. “As expected, household cooking fats, wet wipes and other hygiene products were key components of the 64 m-long beast (bigger than the Leaning Tower of Pisa) but it also contained bits of bone, twigs, string – and false teeth.
“Happily, it did not contain any detectable levels of toxic chemicals, and the scientists who examined lumps of it could not apportion blame for it to any particular businesses, neighborhoods or groups. It appears to have been very much a community effort.”
That’s a graphic lesson for home and business owners – watch what you flush. Basically, the only thing you should be flushing is toilet paper. Ignore the “flushable” promise on the package. It’s not true. And, in the kitchen, do not dump grease and such down the drain or into the garbage disposal.
On the other hand, we all do things we shouldn’t and sometimes you get a clog that you just can’t remove by yourself. In that case, call Billy the Sunshine Plumber for help. Billy Sunshine has been the plumber of choice in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties for almost 100 years (Billy the Sunshine Plumber was founded in 1924). Billy the Sunshine Plumber is available 24/7/365 – nights, weekends, holidays, Billy is always here to help.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber | Clog | Drain Cleaning | Pipe Clearing
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