Billy the Sunshine Plumber is open and ready to help you with your plumbing problems, changes, or upgrades during this difficult time.
You’re getting a bit of cabin fever with this “safer-at-home” lifestyle. Traveling to and from grocery stores or restaurants to pick up food helps by getting you out of the house for a bit. But, your family, which is also feeling cloistered, wants to come along. That’s all well and good, but between that and the closeness of your home, it feels as if you never get any private, quiet time alone.
Unless you’re in the bathroom, that is. You’ve found that your love of lounging in a hot tub or standing under a hot shower and just letting the water pour over you is becoming something more than an enjoyable moment. That’s why you were dismayed this morning when you dipped your toe into the tub and, instead of a nice, warm bath full of water, you found cold water. Your water heater had given out.
When you looked, you found water pooled around the base of the water heater. It never occurred to you the water heater was on its last legs.
Angie’s List says there are at least four indicators that your water heater is about to breakdown:
- Age – “Generally, most water heaters that are more than 10 years old should be considered for replacement. If your water heater is in a location that will not cause damage if there is a leak, you can wait until it develops a leak before replacing it, but that really is not recommended,” Angie’s List says. “If your water heater is in a location that will cause damage to your home, you should strongly consider replacing it after 10 years (or before, if any of the following symptoms occur).”
- Rusty Water
- Rumbling or other noises – “As a water heater ages, sediment will build up on the bottom of the tank. As the sediment is heated and reheated, it eventually will harden,” according to Angie’s List. “When this happens, you can often hear rumbling or banging sounds coming from the water heater as it is heating up. This is a sign that the water heater is at the end of its useful life.”
- Water around the water heater
If your water heater has any of these symptoms, or if it’s already broken and needs replacing, it’s time to call the water heater pros at Billy the Sunshine Plumber. Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the trusted plumbing pro in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties since opening in 1924. (That’s a lot of water heaters to repair and replace in almost 100 years.)
Billy the Sunshine Plumber is here to help you 24/7/365 – even on weekends, holidays and during the COVID-19 shutdown. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is here to help you.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber | Water Heater | I Need a Plumber
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