Slow Flushing | Billy the Sunshine Plumber

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Slow Flushing | Billy the Sunshine Plumber

Billy the Sunshine Plumber can come to the rescue if your toilet doesn’t flush efficiently.

Now that school’s back in session, the big problem in the morning is training everyone to get into a set routine so your whole family can be showered and dressed in time for school and work. Part of that is making sure everyone get adequate bathroom time, which is where things broke down this morning.

It was the fault of the toilet, which suddenly decided it wouldn’t flush as efficiently as it normally does. Instead, it was taking several flushes to clear the bowl.

“There are several possible reasons a toilet may be flushing slowly or inadequately, and determining the cause is necessary before the problem can be fixed. Common causes of a slow-flushing toilet include low water levels, a partially clogged drain, mineral build-up on the jet holes, a defective flapper, and a blocked drain vent,” according to

Depending on the cause – an easily dislodged clog, for example – you might be able to fix the problem yourself. Other problems, such as a blocked drain vent pipe, which requires a visit to your roof, need expert help. If you have a problem you don’t care to handle yourself – or that you can’t handle by yourself – it’s time to call the trusted plumbing specialists at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.

Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the Tampa Bay 24-hour plumber of choice since 1924 when he first opened for business. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is open 24/7/365 in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Days, nights, weekends, or holidays. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here for you, even on holidays.

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