Stinky Shower | Billy the Sunshine Plumber

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Stinky Shower | Billy the Sunshine Plumber

There are many reasons your shower drain smells bad. You can fix some of them yourself. To fix others, call Billy the Sunshine Plumber.

You were getting in the shower last night after returning from an afternoon boat trip when you smelled something funny. You finally tracked the smell down to the shower drain. 

There are several reasons shower drains become smelly, according to Among those are dirty pipes, mold, soap scum, or a dry P-trap. A P-trap is “is a P-shaped pipe designed to prevent sewer gas from entering your home by trapping a little bit of water. To check, shine a flashlight down the drain. If you see water, your P-trap isn’t dry and it may be a good idea to call a plumber.”

The good news about many of those problems is that you might be able to take care of them yourself with some diligent cleaning.

But, there are other problems that call for expert help from a plumber.

“Understand that if you can’t get rid of shower drain smells on your own, the water doesn’t drain—or worse, is backing up, it could be an issue with your sewer or septic tank. This is likely not a DIY fix, so it’s best to hire professional help,” says.

You can find a trusted, certified plumber by calling Billy the Sunshine Plumber.

Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the plumber of choice in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties for almost a century – since Billy the Sunshine Plumber opened in 1924. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here to help you 24/7/365 – nights, weekends, holidays, and during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Billy the Sunshine Plumber | Clog | Slow Drain | Blocked Drain | Drain Cleaning

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