If your water is way too hot, Billy the Sunshine Plumber can help cool things down.
You had just returned from the Hernando Fresh Market and were washing the fruit and veggies before putting them away when your water turned hot. Really hot.
That was surprising because you did not have the hot water faucet turned on. And you couldn’t get the water to cool off.
Sounds as if one or more of the thermostats on your water heater are set too high or are broken.
“The thermostat is the device mounted on the front of the heater that allows you to adjust the temperature of the water delivered to the faucets,” thespruce.com explains. “On electric water heaters, it is usually located under the access panel on the side of the heater, or it may be located on the front. The cure for a hot water problem may be as simple as turning the temperature setting up. Also, check the reset button on the thermostat—the red button located at the top of the thermostat. Sometimes merely resetting this bottom will cause the heater to begin working again.”
If that doesn’t work, then your thermostat may need to be replaced. A trusted plumber from Billy the Sunshine Plumber can help with that.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the go-to company for plumbing repairs, maintenance and upgrades since opening almost 100 years ago in 1924. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is the trusted plumber of choice in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties where he is available 24/7/365. Days, nights, weekends, holidays, anytime – Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here for you.
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