Tubs can spring leaks from faulty drains, faucets, or grout/caulk as well as from cracked liners. Billy the Sunshine Plumber has the solution for any leak.
You were in your downstairs bathroom planning a day at the Renaissance Festival when you happened to glance up and saw a brown spot on the ceiling. The room above is another bathroom but you haven’t noticed any leaks in that room.
You’re right in thinking that the brown spot is an indication of a leak. Considering the fact that you haven’t noticed a leak when you’re in the upstairs bathroom, one possible culprit is a leak from your tub’s drain. It’s not unusual that you would not notice anything, as thespruce.com says, “Drain line leaks may be largely invisible until you see discoloration in the ceiling below a second-story bathroom, or the tub begins to flex and sag because the subfloor has begun to rot.”
Repairing the leak from a tub drain involves one of three solutions, according to thespruce.com: “Fixing the connection where the overflow tube connects to the tub and drain pipe in the wall, … inspecting and tightening the slip-joint connections on the drain-trap beneath the tub. ,,, repairing or replacing the bathtub drain fitting.”
Thespruce.com cautions, “Because bathtubs, with or without integrated showers, get such frequent use and the amounts of water used are quite copious, any type of bathtub leak can be an annoying and potentially very serious problem. Left untreated, some leaks can cause thousands of dollars in damage, requiring major repairs and renovations.”
It’s time to call in a reliable plumber.
You can find a trusted 24-hour plumbing technician at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the Tampa Bay 24-hour plumber of choice since 1924 when he first opened for business. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is open 24/7/365 in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Days, nights, weekends, or holidays, Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here for you.
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