Don't Put This in Your Washing Machine | Billy the Sunshine Plumber

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Don't Put This in Your Washing Machine | Billy the Sunshine Plumber

When your washing machine becomes clogged and you can’t fix it by yourself, it’s time to call the clog and drain clearing pros at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.

When you thought about going to the home show today, you were thinking about getting renovation ideas for your home. But your washing machine had other ideas. When you tried to wash that last load last night, the washing machine wouldn’t drain. It seems obvious to you that you have a clog somewhere in the system but you’re not sure why or where or how to fix it. So, now you’re thinking you’ll be looking for new washing machine ideas at the home show.

Your washer can clog for many reasons and the clog can take place anywhere in the system from the machine itself, to the pipes leading into the machine to the plumbing outside your home. But if you’re not having drainage problems anywhere else, it’s most likely in the washer itself or the drainage pipe running from the machine.

As for why – well, there are many reasons a washer could build up a clog. One of the most common – and least thought of – is pet hair. That’s right, pet hair.

“Even though pet blankets, beds, and clothes need regular cleaning, they should not be tossed in a washing machine if they are covered with hair. Just like your hair can clog a bathroom sink or shower drain, pet hair is terrible for the water pump filters and drains in your washer,” says. “Before you toss items heavily covered with pet hair in the washer, take them outside for a good brushing or even toss them in the dryer with a couple of dryer sheets and allow them to tumble on low heat or air only for 15 minutes. This will remove enough of the hair so you can wash them safely.”

As for removing the clog, if you can’t do it yourself, then it’s time to call in a clog and drain-clearing expert like the plumbing clog pros at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.

Billy Sunshine has been in business for almost 100 years – he was founded in 1924 – and that’s a lot of clogged and slow drains he’s repaired in that time. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is available 24/7/365 in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. He never closes. Billy is always here for you.

Billy the Sunshine Plumber | Slow Drain | Clogged Drain | Drain Clearing | Clogged Washer | Plumber

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