Whether you prefer a traditional toilet or one of the new high-tech toilets, call Billy the Sunshine Plumber for installation help or when your toilet needs plumbing help.
You’re considering a house renovation, so you spent part of the weekend at the home show. And although you got lots of ideas from the trip, you’ve also narrowed your goals. Rather than renovate the entire house all at once, you’re going to go one room at a time, starting with the smallest room in the house, the bathroom.
You’re also figuring it’s probably one of the easier rooms from the standpoint of choices – some neutral tile, a new sink, new faucets and maybe a new toilet to go with the new sink. The major decision will be the paint color to highlight the neutral fixtures. You could be right. That is, unless you’re into tech and gadgets. In that case, you’re going to have some big decisions to make when it comes to the new toilet.
You see, toilets have gone high tech and have all sorts of options from stool height, to heated seats, to integrated bidets, to blue tooth speakers to integrated night lights. Some even have motion-activated seats, no touch flush, automatic deodorizers, and touch-screen remote. Makes you wonder why you’d ever need to leave the bathroom
But high-tech aside, you’re still going to need a plumber at least when it comes to installing your new high-tech toidy. And, should it malfunction or become clogged, you’ll need a plumber who can handle the high-tech throne.
You can find such a plumber at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.
Billy Sunshine has been in business for almost 100 years – since 1924. He’s installed a lot of toilets and cleared a lot more clogged toilets in that time. High tech, low tech, it doesn’t matter, Billy is here for you 24/7/365 in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. He never closes. For toilet installation, clogged toilets, slow drains, clogged pipes or any other plumbing problem, call Billy the Sunshine Plumber.
Clogged Toilet | Slow Drain | Drain Cleaning | Toilet Installation | Billy the Sunshine Plumber
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