Keeping your drains clear and clean will help you avoid clogs. But if you do get a clog you can’t fix yourself, Billy the Sunshine Plumber is here to help.
You’ve been one of the lucky ones during the lockdown. You were able to transition your job to do it from home and you’ve managed to get into a routine of a bit of exercise in the morning before you start work. You’ve even found a new hobby – cooking.
But cooking has resulted in some unexpected by-products – a clogged kitchen sink. So far, you’ve managed to clear the clogs by yourself but you’re dreading the day you can’t do it.
You can put off – or even avoid – the day that you have a serious drain clog with a bit of drain maintenance.
Drain maintenance involves two things, according to The first is to avoid putting certain items – cooking grease, coffee grounds, hair, and soap scum – down the drain in the first place. The second tip is to keep your drains clean and clear to start with. offers this maintenance schedule:
- Weekly – “Flush your drain by boiling a large pot of water. Pour one-half of the pot down the drain. Wait five minutes and pour the rest. It’s a simple thing that can help dislodge any grease or debris lurking in your drain.”
- Monthly – “Use an enzymatic cleaner once a month to keep your drains fresh and clean … Encymatic cleaners are great at breaking down organic matter in the drains that may not have made it all the way down.”
- Seasonally – “Two to three times a year, flush the drain with baking soda and vinegar. Run hot water down the drain. Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of vinegar with the hot water down the drain. This combo foams up and removes debris, and it also helps kill bacteria and remove odors. Do this little bit of maintenance anytime or when odors start to become noticeable in the drain.”
If you do maintain your drains and get a clog that you can’t clear by yourself, then it’s time to call the drain cleaning experts at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the Tampa Bay plumber of choice since 1924 when he first opened for business. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is open 24/7/365 in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Days, nights, weekends, or holidays, Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here for you.
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