No matter what the package says, you should not put kitty litter in the toilet. If you get a toilet clog you can’t clear out, call Billy the Sunshine Plumber for help.
You took an early morning walk at Brooker Creek Preserve today before coming back and settling in the air conditioning with some coffee, a book and a cat. Although you’d have preferred to spend the day being lazy, you managed to make yourself get up to do some cleaning. And that was a good thing because your toilet was clogged.
Toilets can be tempermental and picky about how they handle anything other than toilet paper and human waste. You’re aware of that and try to be very careful about not flushing things like wipes. But, you have to admit, you haven’t been as careful as you should about kitty litter.
First, you buy kitty litter that’s advertised as flushable and you do not simply dump a bunch of it down the toilet. You simply toss the kitty leavings in the toilet and, when you change out the litter box, you throw it in the trash.
Tossing the cat waste is enough to cause toilet clogging.
“Though many cat litter brands claim to be ‘flushable,’ it is never a good idea to flush waste matter and litter down the toilet, as clogs can result both from the bulk of the waste matter as well as the litter material,” according to “If you find yourself with a toilet clogged by cat litter, you’ll need more than a plunger to fix it.”
The degree of difficulty depends on whether your clog is in the bowl or has progressed into your system, in which case you’ll need a plumbing snake to try to dislodge things. If you try, and can’t, then it’s time to call a reliable plumber like the trusted 24-hour plumbing pros at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the Tampa Bay 24-hour plumber of choice since 1924 when he first opened for business. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is open 24/7/365 in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Days, nights, weekends, or holidays, Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here for you – even on the Fourth of July.
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