Leaky Faucet | Billy the Sunshine Plumber

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Leaky Faucet | Billy the Sunshine Plumber

When you need help fixing a leaky kitchen faucet, call the leak repair pros at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.

After you got back from the presentation on Native Americans yesterday, you began fiddling around in the kitchen trying to figure out what to fix for dinner. That’s when you notice some water at the base of the kitchen faucet. You didn’t pay much attention to it at the time. You simply sopped it up with a sponge and went about your business. But this morning, the water was back.

It appears you have a leak coming from the base of your kitchen faucet.

That’s not unusual. As sfgate.com points out, “A kitchen faucet gets a lot of use. It gets used many times a day and many ways, such as to wash your dishes, get a drink, wash your food, and fill pots with water for cooking, just to name a few. Over time, the rubber washers and O-rings that create a watertight seal can deteriorate and cause the kitchen faucet to leak and puddle around the base. Disassembling the faucet and replacing the O-rings can stop your leaks and add years to your faucet.”

That’s generally not a complicated task whether you have a rotary ball faucet or a cartridge-type faucet. But it does require a certain amount of strength to turn the screws and some tools and supplies (hex key set, silicone-based grease, and replacement O rings and washers) that you might not have on hand. Rather than go out and buy supplies, it’s easier to call for help. That’s especially true when help is nearby – just call the leak repair experts at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.

Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the go-to Tampa Bay plumber since 1924. In that almost-century of business, Billy the Sunshine Plumber has detected and fixed thousands of leaks. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is available 24/7/365 in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here to help you.

Billy the Sunshine Plumber | Leaky Faucet | Faucet Leak

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