Rain, Rain, Go Away | Plumbing

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Rain, Rain, Go Away | Plumbing

Heavy rains and floods can damage plumbing. If you need a Citrus plumber to help bail you out after the storm, call the Citrus plumbers at Billy the Sunshine Plumber.

Hurricane Michael is skirting the Tampa Bay area as it makes its thunderous way to the Panhandle. For the most part, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties have suffered wind, rain and flooding, but for the most part, have managed to avoid the major impact of the storm. But that doesn’t mean Tampa Bay homeowners will get off with no damage because, as Bonney.com points out, “Heavy rainstorms can place stress on drainage systems and pipes, and you may discover your plumbing plagued with problems in the aftermath of a wicked storm.”

So, once the storm passes, be on the lookout for broken pipes, blocked pipes, and clogged drains. They’re all common after a heavy rainstorm.

“When the ground becomes saturated with rain water, it softens enough that shifting soil and rocks can strain or break your buried pipes. If pipes become crushed or cracked, dirt and debris can enter and clog things up, doing even more damage. If you discover discoloration, grit, or debris in the water coming from your faucets after a storm, you probably have broken underground pipes,” Bonney.com says.

If you do have a problem, just call Billy the Sunshine Plumber and Billy will send out one of his experienced Citrus plumbers to help you. Billy has been in business for almost 100 years and has years of experience solving plumbing problems caused by flooding, heavy rains and hurricanes. Billy Sunshine as he’s known is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Billy is always here for you.

Citrus Plumber | Pinellas Plumber | Pasco Plumber | Hernando Plumber | Billy the Sunshine Plumber

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