Thanksgiving Plumbing Catastrophe – A Cautionary Tale
You had your Thanksgiving plans all set. First, you were heading to the Goody Goody Turkey Gobble Marathon. Your athletic relatives would enjoy the 5K. And, with games and other family-oriented activities available for everyone else, your less athletically inclined relatives would also have a choice of things to do. Afterwards, you planned to return home for the big event – final prep for your Thanksgiving feast. But as the cliche goes, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
Your kitchen sink and garbage disposal jammed and backed up. And, you were not able to clear the clog by yourself.
Clogged kitchen sinks are common at this time of year as cooking and food disposal increase with more entertainment.
“A garbage disposal is an electronic device fitted to the underside of a kitchen sink. It uses blades to grind food waste into pieces small enough to be carried away in the plumbing system. It is a clean, fast, eco-friendly way to get rid of your kitchen waste, as food goes into the water system and not a landfill,” says. “While things like vegetables, fruit, cooked foods, and even ice can go down a garbage disposal without problems, other things can clog your plumbing or damage the blades.”
So, what are the things that you should avoid sticking in the drain? Many are are the very items that are featured prominently on Thanksgiving menus. Among those items you should avoid placing in the sink are:
- coffee grounds
- fats and oils
- fibrous foods like celery
- starchy foods like rice
- nuts, pits and seeds
- shells and bones
- non-food items like wipes and paper towels.
Although you try to be careful, accidents can happen. Other family members may dispose of items that should not go down the drain. Silverware or glass may fall into the system. If that does happen, don’t worry, call Billy the Sunshine Plumber for help. It’s a happy end to a cautionary Thanksgiving day tale.
Billy the Sunshine Plumber has been the Tampa Bay 24-hour plumber of choice since 1924 when he first opened for business. Billy the Sunshine Plumber is open 24/7/365 in Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus counties. Days, nights, weekends, or holidays, Billy the Sunshine Plumber is always here for you.
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